Warszawska 24 St, Kraków 31-155
0-048/12/628 25 79, +48 662-596-194

Dates and Conference Fee

Because of the current coronavirus pandemic. The date of the conference will be changed.

We will give you a new date for the conference soon

Title and paper registration
Participant registration
Entire paper registration
Payment deadline for conference
Registration, summary, entire paper to be mailed to ceimconference@pk.edu.pl

Conference fees

Full conference fee –  800PLN +VAT
(conference participation, meeting, board, conference materials)

Fee for students and doctoral students – 600 PLN +23%VAT

All payments need to be made until April 30th, 2020r. to Cracow University of Technology

bank account: 09 2490 0005 0000 4600 1012 1826 Alior Bank SA
with a note CEIMconference and Name and Surname.

bank account: 40 2490 0005 0000 4600 3419 4146 SWIFT: ALBPPLPW, with a note  CEIMconference and Name and Surname.